Tired artist & gamer who doing art stuff.
I love Lear n Steven very much, they are my world!
I want/like to do/try different kind styles & look.

Nora @LilOceanDS


Joined on 7/3/23

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Uh, hellou and info about me

Posted by LilOceanDS - 3 weeks ago

Yea, I haven't been looong time in here but made new account mostly for art stuff at least.

I try to to be more active on here and post stuff too. I mostly has been active on twitter but it has been going so down with me so I started to be more active on BlueSky too.

I'm just tired/exhausted mostly so I usually doing lot of sketches than finished artworks and kinda slow when unsure how I want to try to finish art piece.

What I draw is mostly FanArts but also some OCs too.

And someday I might have commissions open again, right now it is bit hard to accept any.

I mostly want/try to do different kind of art styles and looks (mostly with main trio Prince Lear, Steven Stone/Daigo Tsuwabuki and Nora which is me).

But right now I'm have been in that phase that I'm very nervous to do what I want and scare to show much even I want to grow with main trio and be know as with Lear & Steven. So my result aren't best kind most of it.

And about boys (Lear & Steven);

They are like important to me and life for me so I try to grown and be the best with em. I'm just like in love with em. And I'm kinda jealousy person too about them...U.U

I haven't plan to post 'love-theme' stuff to here because that scares me (I have other sites where I post), I mostly do couple stuff with em like what some people call OCxCanon, SelfShipping whatever there is but for me it's been so hard to use those names/terms whatever (because I love em). So I try to keep more less love-themed for now.

Uuuh what else?

Lol right now I'm way too tired so I have forgot what to write and I was thinking to make better look but way too tired to focus.

Maybe I try to edit this later with better time ^^;



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